

Acar, B., Bagci, S., & Verkuyten, M. (2024). Toleration, discrimination, or acceptance? How majorities interpret and legitimize minority toleration depends on outgroup threat. British Journal of Social Psychology,  63(3), 1053-1072. Doi.10.1111/bjso.12715

Adelman, L., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2024). Being tolerated as a minority member: An experimental study with virtual teams. Journal of Social Psychology (forthcoming).

Cvetkovska, S., Jaspal, R., Verkuyten, M., & Adelman, L. (2024). Coping with being tolerated: Trans experiences. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 11(1), 31–41. Doi: 10.1037/sgd0000580

Dangubić, M., Verkuyten, M., & Stark, T. (2024). Critical inclusiveness: Prejudice, principles, and the social acceptance of Muslim minorities. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, (forthcoming).Doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2024.102046.

Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2024). Collective psychological ownership as a new angle for understanding group dynamics. European Review of Social Psychology, 35(1), 123-161. 10.1080/10463283.2023.2231762

Nijs, T., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B. (2024). The two routes of collective psychological ownership: Rights and responsibilities explain intentions to exclude outsiders and engage in stewardship behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50(2), 270-284.

Toruńczyk-Ruiz, S., Cardenas, D., & Verkuyten, M. (2024). Born a local or living like one: Understandings of local belonging and outgroup attitudes. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology (forthcoming). doi:10.1016/j.cresp.2024.100199.

Verkuyten, M. (2024). “We need them, they need us”: Perceived outgroup indispensability and intergroup relations. Review of General Psychology, 28(1), 67-80. Doi: 10.1177/10892680231224403

Verkuyten, M. (2024). “Ours”: Understanding collective psychological ownership. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied (forthcoming). Doi: 10.1080/00223980.2024.2414286

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2024). Political tolerance and the golden rule: Reciprocity increases acceptance of normative protest actions of disliked groups. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology , 34(1), e2750. Doi10.1002/casp.2750

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., Zubielevitch, E., Lilly, K.J., Vanderklei, M., Osborne, D., & Sibley, C.G. (2024). Ethnic identity centrality across the adult lifespan: Aging, cohort and period effects among majority and minority group members. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (forthcoming).Doi: 10.1037/pspp0000513


Adelman, L., Yogeeswaran, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2023). The unintended consequences of tolerance: The experience and repercussions of being tolerated for minority group members. PLOS ONE, 18(3), e0282073. Doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0282073.

Bagci, C., Verkuyten, M., & Canpolat, E. (2023). ‘When they want to take away what is ‘ours’: Collective ownership threat and negative reactions towards refugees. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,26(5), 1032-1052. Doi: 10.1177/13684302221084232.

Dangubic, M., Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., & Sibley, C. (2023). The rejection and acceptance of Muslim minority practices: A person-centered approach. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 26(2), 380-405. Doi: 10.1177/13684302211067967

Dore, N., Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., Sibley, C., & Satherley, N. (2023). Boundaries of free speech? Profiling support for acceptance of free speech and restrictions on offensive speech. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 34, 1-6. Doi.10.1093/ijpor/edac039.

Fluit, A-M., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Zhou, S. (2023). With or without you? Perceived indispensability and opposition to separatist movements. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(2), 655-672. Doi: 10.1111/bjso.12624

Lucarini, A., Boin, J., Fuochi, J., Voci, A., Verkuyten, M., & Pettigrew, T.F. (2023). The nature of deprovincialism: Assessment, nomological network, and comparison of cultural and group deprovincialization. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, , 33, 868-881. Doi: 10.1002/casp.2695.

Nooitgedagt, W., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2023). Who owns the land?
Territorial ownership understandings and intergroup relations in a settler society. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 53(4), 341-354. Doi: 10.1111/jasp.12944.

Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2023). Being considered a co-national: Social categorization and perceived acculturation of immigrant peers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 225, 105520. Doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2022.105520.

Verkuyten, M. (2023). The social psychology of tolerance. London: Routledge.

Verkuyten, M. (2023). There is much more to tolerance than social categorization: A comment on Simon (2023). American Psychologist, 78(6), 743-744. DOI: 10.1037/amp0001180.

Verkuyten, M., Adelman, L., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2023). Intolerance of transgressive protest actions: The differential roles of deontological and utilitarian morality. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49(8), 1151-1312. Doi: 10.1177/01461672221099709

Verkuyten, M., Gale, J., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2023). The impact of emotional versus instrumental reasons for dual citizenship on the perceived loyalty and political tolerance of immigrant-origin minorities. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 10(3), 354-366. Doi: 10.1017/XPS.2022.17

Verkuyten, M., Gale, J., Adelman, L., & Yogeeswaran (2023). Maintaining a tolerant national identity: Divergent implications for the acceptance of minority groups. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 53, 1027-1039. Doi: 10.1111/jasp.12993.

Verkuyten, M., Schlette, A., Adelman, L., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2023). Deliberative thinking increases tolerance of minority group practices: Testing a dual-process model of tolerance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 29(2), 414-424. Doi: 10.1037/xap0000429

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2023). The social psychology of intergroup tolerance and intolerance. European Review of Social Psychology, 34(1), 1-44. Doi: 10.1080/10463283.2022.2091326

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2023). Testing the asymmetry hypothesis of tolerance: Thinking about socially disruptive protest actions. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 11(1), 397–407. Doi: 10.5964/jspp.11269.


Adelman, L., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2022). Distinguishing active and passive outgroup tolerance: Understanding its prevalence and the role of moral concern. Political Psychology, 43(4), 731-750.

Bamberg, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2022). Internal and external motivation to respond without prejudice: A person-centered approach. The Journal of Social Psychology, 162(4), 435-454. Doi: 10.1080/00224545.2021.1917498

Driel, E., & Verkuyten, M. (2022). Contact theory and the multi-ethnic community of Riace, Italy: An ethnographic examination. Journal of Community Psychology 50(5), 2326-2343. doi:10.1002/jcop.22778

Driel, E., & Verkuyten, M. (2022). Gossip, diversity and community cohesion: The case of multi-ethnic Riace. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(16), 591-613. Doi: 10.1080/01419870.2022.2114806

Maldi, D., Bobowik, M., Verkuyten, M., & Basabe, N. (2022). Intergroup and intrapersonal comparisons: responses to perceived discrimination and protective mechanisms of eudaimonic wellbeing. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 86, 74-84. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel/2021.10.007.

Nijs, T., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B. (2021). Losing what is OURS: The intergroup consequences of collective ownership threat. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 25(2), 562-580. Doi:10.1177/1368430220980809.

Nooitgedagt, W., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Maseko, S. (2022). Ownership feelings and territorial compensation in Australia and South Africa. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 53(1), 87-108. Doi:10.1177/00220221211051024

Peters, K., Jetten, J., Tanjitpiyanond, P., Wang, Z., Mols, F., & Verkuyten, M. (2022). The language of inequality: Income inequality increases wealth category salience. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48(8), 1204-1219.

Spiegler, O., Christ, O., & Verkuyten, M. (2022). National identity exploration attenuates the identification-prejudice link. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 25(4), 902-923.

Velthuis, E., Verkuyten, M., & Smeekes, A. (2022). The different faces of social tolerance: Conceptualizing and measuring respect and coexistence tolerance. Social Indicators Research, 158, 1105-1125. Doi: 0.1007/s11205-021-02724-5

Velthuis, E., Van der Nol, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2022). Tolerance of Muslim minority identity enactment: The roles of social context, type of action, and cultural continuity concern. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 32(5), 860-871. Doi: 10.1002/casp.2605

Velthuis, E., Verkuyten, M., Van der Noll, J., & Smeekes, A. (2022). Tolerance of the Muslim headscarf: Reasons for wearing a headscarf matter. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 90, 86-96. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2022.07.009

Verkuyten, M. (2022). Understanding intergroup biases in childhood and adolescence. Review of General Psychology, 26(3) 282–297. Doi: 10.1177/10892680211050016

Verkuyten, M. (2022). The meanings of tolerance: Discursive usage in a case of ‘identity politics’”. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 52, 224-236. Doi: 10.1111/jtsb.12339

Verkuyten, M., Kollar, R., Gale, J., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2022). Right-wing political orientation, national identification and the acceptance of immigrants and minorities. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111217. Doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.111217

Verkuyten, M., Schlette, A., Adelman, L., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2022). With rhyme and reason: Recognizing reasons for disliked practices increases tolerance. British Journal of Social Psychology, 61, 471-490. Doi:10.1111/bjso.12491.

Verkuyten, M., Voci, A., & Pettigrew, T.F. (2022). Deprovincialization: It’s importance for plural societies. Social Issues and Policy Review, 16(1), 289-309. Doi: 10.1111/sipr.12082

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2022). Tolerance as forbearance: Overcoming intuitive versus deliberative objection to cultural, religious and ideological differences. Psychological Review, 129(2), 368-387. Doi: 10.1037/rev0000228. Winner of the Center for the Science of Moral Understanding’s Scientific Impact Award, 2022.

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2022). Does deliberative thinking increase tolerance? Political tolerance toward individuals with dual citizenship. Social Cognition, 40(4), 396-409. Doi: 10.1111/sipr.12082

Yitmen, S., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Erdoğan, M. (2022). Acceptance of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The roles of perceived threat, intergroup contact, perceived similarity, and temporary settlement. In H. Çakal & S. Raman (Eds.), Examining complex intergroup relations: Through the lens of Turkey. Routledge: London.

Yogeeswaran, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2022). The political psychology of national identity. In D. Osborne & C. Sibley (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of political psychology (pp. 311-328). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University press.

Zhirkov, K., Verkuyten, M., & Ponarin, E. (2022). Social conformity and prejudice toward immigrants: The role of political messaging. Social Influence, 16, 65-77. Doi: 10.1080/15534510.2021.1989028


Adelman, L., Verkuyten, M., Cardenas, D., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2021). On a slippery slope to intolerance: Individual difference in slippery slope beliefs predict outgroup negativity. Journal of Research in Personality,  94, 104141.

Adelman, L., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2021). Moralization and moral trade-offs explain (in)tolerance of Muslim minority behaviors. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 924-935.

Cardenas, D., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Foreign language usage and national and European identification. Journal of Language and Social Psychology,40(3), 328-253 Doi: 10.1177/0261927X20979631

Cardenas, D., Verkuyten, M., & Fleischmann, F. (2021). “You are too ethnic, you are too national”: Dual identity denial and dual identification. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 81, 93-103. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2021.01.011

Cvetkovska, S., Verkuyten, M., Adelman, L., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2021). Being tolerated: Implications for well-being among ethnic minorities. British Journal of Psychology, 112, 781–803. Doi:10.1111/bjop.12492

Dangubic, M., Verkuyten, M., & Stark, T. (2021). Understanding (in)tolerance of Muslim minority practices: A latent profile analysis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(7), 1517-1538. Doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1808450. pdf.

Fleischmann, F., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Being a Muslim in the Western world: A social identity perspective. In B. Adams & F. Van de Vijver (Eds.), Non-Western identity. New York: Springer

Gale, J., Yogeeswaran, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Bridging (identification) divides: Ethnic minority endorsement of new diversity ideologies. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 81, 121-130. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel/2021.01.007.

Havermans, W., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Positive and negative behavioral intentions towards immigrants: A question of ethnic categorization or worldview conflict. International Journal of Psychology, 56, 633-641. Doi: 10.1002/ijop.12748.

Nijs, T., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Sedikides, C. (2021). This country is Ours’: The exclusionary potential of collective psychological ownership. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60, 171-195. Doi:10.1111/bjso.12386

Nooitgedagt, W., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Jetten, J. (2021). Autochthony belief and making amends to indigenous peoples: The role of collective moral emotions. Social Justice Research, 34, 53-80. Doi: 10.1007/s11211-021-00362-3.

Thijs, J., Wansink, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Verdraagzaamheid in het secundair onderwijs. Pedagogiek, 41, 317-340. Doi: 10.5117/PED2021.3.006.THIJ

Thravalou, E., Martinovic, B. & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Provision of humanitarian assistance and support for permanent settlement of asylum seekers in Greece: The role of sympathy, perceived threat, and perceived contribution. International Migration Review, 55, 547-573. Doi: 10.1177/0197918230949826.

Verkuyten, M. (2021). Group identity and ingroup bias: The social identity approach. Human Development, 65, 311-324. Doi: 10.1159/000519089

Verkuyten, M. (2021). Anti-Muslim sentiments in Western societies. In C. Tileagă, M. Augoustinos & K. Durrheim (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping. London: Routledge

Verkuyten, M., & Killen, M. (2021). Tolerance, dissenting beliefs, and cultural diversity. Child Development Perspectives, 15, 51-56. Doi: 10.1111/cdep.12399

Verkuyten, M., & Kollar, R. (2021). Tolerance and intolerance: Cultural meanings and discursive usage. Culture & Psychology, 27(1), 172-186. Doi: 10.1177/1354067X20984356

Yogeeswaran, K., Gale, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Interculturalism as a strategy to manage diversity: Moving psychological research beyond colorblindness and multiculturalism. Social and Personality Psychology Compass,15, e12640. doi:10.1111/spc3.12640

Yogeeswaran, K., Nash, K., Jia, H., Adelman, L., & Verkuyten, M. (2021). Intolerant of being tolerant? Examining the impact of intergroup toleration on relative left frontal activity and outgroup attitudes. Current Psychology, Doi.10.1007/s12144-020-01290-2

Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., & Ealam, B. (2021). A way forward? The impact of interculturalism on intergroup relations in culturally diverse nations. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. Doi: 10.1177/1368430220918651.


Adelman, L., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Prejudice and the acceptance of Muslim minority practices: A person-centered approach. Social Psychology, 51, 185-198. Doi: 0.1027/1864-9335/a000380. pdf

Adelman, L., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Rules of engagement: Reactions to internal and external criticism in public debate. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59, 405–424. Doi:10.1111/bjso.12351 pdf

Bagci, C., Verkuyten, M., Koc, Y., Turnuklu, A., Piyale, Z. E., & Bekmezci, E. (2020). Being tolerated and being discriminated against: Links to psychological well-being through threatened social identity needs. European Journal of Social Psychology,  50(7), 1463-1477. Doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2699. pdf

Cárdenas, D., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Immigrants’ behavioral participation and its relation with national identification: Perceived closeness to the prototype as a psychological mechanism. Self & Identity, 19, 719-737. Doi: 10.1080/15298868.2019.1665577. pdf

Cvetkovska, S., Verkuyten, M., & Adelman, L. (2020). Being tolerated and minority well-being: The role of group identifications. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 74, 161-173. Doi.10.1016/j.ijintrel.2019.10.010 pdf

Dangubic, M., Verkuyten, M., & Stark, T. (2020). Rejecting Muslim or Christian religious practices in five West European countries: A case of discriminatory rejection? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43, 306-326. Doi: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1792525 pdf

Driel, E., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Local identity and the welcoming reception of refugees: The example of Riace. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 27, 614-632. Doi: 10.1080/1070289X.2019.1611075.

Eskelinen, V., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Support for democracy and liberal sexual mores among Muslims in Western Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, 2346-2366. Doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1521715

Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Renvik, T.A., Van der Noll, J., Eskelinen, V., Rohmann, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Dual citizenship and perceived loyalty of immigrants. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,  23(7), 996-1013. Doi:10.1177/1368430219872809

Sleijpen, S., Verkuyten, M., & Adelman, L. (2020). Accepting Muslim minority practices: A case of discriminatory or normative intolerance? Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 30, 405-418. Doi: 10.1002/casp.2450. pdf

Sprong, S., Jetten, J., Wang, Z., Peters, K., Mols, F., Verkuyten, M., Bastian, B., Ariyanto, A., Autin, F., Ayub, N., Badea, C., Besta, T., Butera, F., Costa-Lopes, R., Cui, L. Fantini, C., Finchilescu, G., Gaertner, L., Gollwitzer, M., Gómez, A., González, R., Hong, Y.Y., Jensen, D.H., Karasawa, M., Kessler, T., Klein, O., Lima, M., Jasinskaja, I., Megevand, L., Morton, T., Paladino, P., Polya, T., Renvik, T.A., Ruza, A., Shahrazad, W., Shama, S., Smith, H.J., Torres, A.R., van der Bles, A.M., & Wohl, M. (2020). “Our country needs a strong leader right now”: Inequality enhances the wish for a strong leader. Psychological Science, 30(11), 1625-1637. Doi:10.1177/0956797619875472

Storz, N., Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., Žeželj, I., Psaltis, C., & Roccas, S. (2020). Collective psychological ownership and reconciliation in territorial conflicts. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8, 404–425. Doi.10.5964/jspp.v8i1.1145

Van der Heijden, E., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Educational attainment, political sophistication and anti-immigrant attitudes. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8, 600-616.

Van der Werf, F., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung-Wong, C. (2020). Understandings of national identity and outgroup attitudes in culturally diverse Mauritius. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,78, 73-83. Doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2019.10.004.

Van der Werf, F., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung-Wong, C. (2020). Forms of blended bicultural identity: Identity conflict and harmony in culturally diverse Mauritius. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51(2), 134-148. Doi: 10.1177/0022022119895316

Van der Werf, F., Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B (2020). Balancing national and ethno-cultural belonging: State recognition and perceived government performance in Mauritius. International Journal of Sociology, 50, 163-178. Doi: 10.1080/00207659.2020.1726026

Velthuis, E., Verkuyten, M., & Smeekes, A. (2020). Supporting immigrant cultural rights: The roles of deprovincialization and identity continuity. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 50, 733-743. Doi: 10.1111/jasp.12709

Verkuyten, M., Adelman, L., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). The psychology of intolerance: Unpacking diverse understandings of intolerance. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29, 467 –472. Doi: 10.1177/0963721420924763. pdf

Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). Interculturalism and the acceptance of minority groups: The moderating role of political orientation. Social Psychology. Doi.10.1027/1864-9335/a000404.

Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2020). Cultural diversity and its implications for intergroup relations. Current Opinion in Psychology, 32, 1-5 Doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2019.06.010

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K. & Adelman, L. (2020). Toleration and prejudice-reduction: Two ways of improving intergroup relations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 239-255. Doi.10.1002/ejsp.2624 pdf

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K. & Adelman, L. (2020). The negative implications of being tolerated: Tolerance from the target’s perspective. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15, 544-561. Doi.10.1177/1745691619897974 pdf

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., Mepham, K., & Sprong, S. (2020). Interculturalism: A new diversity ideology with interrelated components of dialogue, unity, and identity flexibility. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 505-519. Doi.10.1002/ejsp.2628.

Yitmen, S., & Verkuyten, M. (2020). Support to Syrian refugees in Turkey: The roles of descriptive and injunctive norms, threat, and negative emotions. Asian Journal of Social Psychology,23, 293-301. Doi: 10.1111/ajsp.12400.


Abacıoğlu, C. S., Isvoranu, A. M., Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Epskamp, S. (2019). Exploring multicultural classroom dynamics: A network analysis. Journal of School Psychology, 74, 90-105. Doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2019.02.003

Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Preaching and practicing multicultural education: Predicting students’ outgroup attitudes from perceived teacher norms and perceived teacher- classmate relations. Journal of School Psychology, 75, 89-103. Doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2019.07.003.

Gharaei, N., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Ethnic identity in diverse schools: Preadolescents’ private regard and introjection in relation to classroom norms and composition. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 132-144. Doi: 10.1007/s10964-018-0881-y

Hirsch, M., Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2019). To accept or not to accept: Level of moral concern impacts on tolerance of Muslim minority practices. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58, 196–210. Doi:10.1111/bjso.12284. pdf

Nijs, T., Stark, T., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Negative intergroup contact and radical right-wing voting: The moderating roles of personal and collective self-efficacy. Political Psychology, 40, 1057-1073. doi: 10.1111/pops.12577.

Spiegler, O., Thijs, J., Verkuyten, M., & Leyendecker, B. (2019). Can children develop a dual identity when immigrant mothers feel homesick? A short-term longitudinal study among Turkish immigrants. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16, 581-594. doi: 10.1080/17405629.2018.1482742.

Verkuyten, M., & Nooitgedagt, W. (2019). Parliamentary identity and the management of the far-right: A discursive analysis of Dutch parliamentary debates. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58, 495–514. Doi:10.1111/bjso.12300.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2019). Autochthony beliefs and majority group children’s attitudes toward immigrants. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 1281-1295, doi: 10.1007/s10964-019-01015-0

Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Gharaei, N. (2019). Discrimination and academic (dis)engagement of ethnic-racial minority students: A social identity threat perspective. Social Psychology of Education 22, 267-290. Doi: 10.1007/s11218-018-09476-0

Verkuyten, M., Wiley, S., Deaux, K., & Fleischmann, F. (2019). To be both (and more): Immigration and identity multiplicity. Journal of Social Issues, 75, 390-413. Doi: 10.1111/josi.12324

Verkuyten, M., Yogeeswaran, K., & Adelman, L. (2019). Intergroup toleration and its implications for culturally diverse societies. Social Issues and Policy Review 13, 5-35. Doi: 10.1111/sipr.12051 pdf

Wiley, S., Fleischmann, F., Deaux, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Why immigrants’ multiple identities matter: Implications for research, policy, and practice. Journal of Social Issues, 75, 611-629. Doi:


Bot, W., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Evaluating the political organization of Muslim citizens in the Netherlands: The role of political orientation, education and multiculturalism.  Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 6, 364–382. Doi:10.5964/jspp.v6i2.901.

Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Teaching in ethnically diverse classrooms: explaining individual differences in teacher self-efficacy Journal of School Psychology 67, 134-147. Doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2017.12.001

Mahfud, Y., Badea, C., Verkuyten, M., & Reynolds, K. (2018). Multiculturalism and attitudes towards immigrants: The impact of perceived cultural distance. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(6),  945-958. doi: 10.1177/0022022117730828

Maliepaard, M., Verkuyten, M. (2018). National disidentification and minority identity: A study among Muslims in Western Europe. Self & Identity, 17, 75-91. doi: 10.1080/15298868.2017.1323792

Manassen, A. & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Examining identity intersectionality: Thai marriage migrants in The Netherlands. International Review of Social Psychology, 31(1), 1–9. doi: 10.5334/irsp.150

Martinovic, B., Jetten, J., Smeekes, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Collective memory of a dissolved country: Collective nostalgia and guilt as predictors of interethnic relations between diaspora groups from former Yugoslavia. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 5(2), 588–607. doi:10.5964/jspp.v5i2.733

Meuleman, R., Lubbers, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Parental socialization and the consumption of domestic versus foreign films, books and music. Journal of Consumer Culture, 18(1), 103-130.doi.10.1177/1469540516648372

Ng Tseung Wong, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Diversity ideologies and intergroup attitudes: When multiculturalism is beneficial for majority group members. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 21, 336-350. doi: 10.1177/1368430216663021

Van Niekerk, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2019). Interfaith marriage attitudes in Muslim majority countries: The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 28(4), 257-270. doi: 10.1080/10508619.2018.1517015

Verkuyten, M. (2018). The benefits of studying immigration for social psychology. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48(3), 225-239. Doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2354

Verkuyten, M. (2018). Religious fundamentalism and radicalization among Muslim minority youth in Europe. European Psychologist, 23, 21-31. doi: 10.1027/1016-9040/a000314

Verkuyten, M. (2018). The struggle over political power: Evaluating immigrants’ political party representation. Social Psychological and Personality Science,  9(4), 419-425. doi: 10.1177/1948550617708016

Verkuyten, M., Altabatabaei, H.G., & Nooitgedagt, W. (2018). Supporting the accommodation of voluntary and involuntary migrants: Humanitarian and host society considerations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(3), 267-274. doi: 0.1177/1948550617737600

Verkuyten, K., Mepham, K., & Kros, M. (2018). Public attitudes towards support for migrants: The importance of perceived voluntary and involuntary migration. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(5), 901-918. doi: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1367021

Werf, van der F., Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Ng Tseung Wong, C. (2019). What it means to be a national: A study among adolescents in multicultural Mauritius. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology,24(4), 576-587. doi:10.1037/cdp0000196

Yitmen, S., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Feelings towards refugees and non-Muslims in Turkey: The roles of national and religious identifications, and multiculturalism. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48, 90–100. Doi: 10.1111/jasp.12493

Yitmen, S., & Verkuyten, M. (2018). Positive and negative behavioral intentions towards refugees in Turkey: The roles of national identification, threat, and humanitarian concern. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 28, 230-243. doi: 10.1002/casp.2354.

Yogeeswaran, K., Verkuyten, M., Osborne, D., & Sibly, C. (2018). I have a dream” of a colorblind nation? Examining the relationship between racial colorblindness , system justification, and support for policies that redress inequalities. Journal of Social Issues, 74(2), 282-298. doi: 10.1111/josi.12269.

Zhang, S., Verkuyten, M., & Weesie, J. (2018). Dual identity and psychological adjustment: A study among immigrant-origin members. Journal of Research in Personality, 74, 66-77. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2018.02.008


Celebi, E., Verkuyten, M., & Bagci, C. Ethnic identification, discrimination and mental and physical health among Syrian refugees: The moderating role of identity needs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 832-843. Doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2299.

Geerlings, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Student-teacher relationships and ethnic outgroup attitudes among majority students. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 52, 69-79.

Hindriks, P., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2017). Evaluating political acculturation strategies: The perspective of the majority and other minority groups. Political Psychology, 38, 741-756. Doi: 10.1111/pops.12356.

Kamberi, E., Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Intergroup contact and minority group empowerment: The perspective of Roma and non-Roma adolescents in Macedonia. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 424-434. Doi/10.1002/casp.2320

Killen, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). The importance of social-cognitive development and the developmental context for group dynamics. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20, 707–718. doi: 10.1177/1368430217711771

Mepham, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Citizenship representations, group indispensability and attitudes towards immigrants’ rights. International Journal of Intercultural relations, 61, 54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2017.09.004.

Seaton, E., Quintana, S., Verkuyten, M., & Gee, G. (2018). Peers, policies, place and ethnic/racial identity. Child Development, 88, 683-992. Doi: 10.1111/cdev.12787

Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., Çelebi, E., Acartürk, C., Onkun, S. (2017). Social identity continuity and mental health among Syrian refugees in Turkey. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52, 1317-1324.  Doi: 10.1007/s00127-017-1424-7

Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2017). Promoting positive self-esteem in ethnic minority students: The role of school and classroom context. In N. Cabrera, & B. Leyendecker (Eds.), Handbook on Positive Development of Minority Children and Youth. New York: Springer.

Verkuyten, M. (2017). Dual identity and immigrants’ protest against discrimination: The moderating role of diversity ideologies. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 20, 924-934. Doi 10.1177/1368430216629813

Verkuyten, M. (2017). Supporting the democratic political organization of Muslim immigrants: The perspective of Muslims in the Netherlands and Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43, 137-155.  Doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1187556

Verkuyten, M., & Fleischmann, F. (2017). Ethnicity, religion and nationality: Group identifications among minority youth. In A. Rutland, D. Nesdale, & C. Spears Brown (Eds.), Handbook of group processes in children and adolescents (pp. 23-46). Oxford: Wiley.

Verkuyten, M., & Yogeeswaran, K. (2017). The social psychology of intergroup toleration: A roadmap for theory and research. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 21(1), 72–96.  Doi: 10.1177/1088868316640974.


Celebi, E., Verkuyten, M., & Smyrioti, A. (2016). Support for Kurdish language rights in Turkey: The roles of ethnic group, group identifications, contact and intergroup perceptions. Ethnic and Racial Studies 39, 1034-1051. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2015.1103881

Fleischmann, F., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Dual identity among immigrants: Comparing different conceptualizations, their measurements, and implications. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22, 151-165. Doi: 10.1037/cdp0000058

Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Inter-religious attitudes of Sunni and Alevi Muslim minorities: The role of religious commitment and host national identification. International Journal of Intercultural Relation, 52, 1-12. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2016.02.005.

Spiegler, O., Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Leyendecker, B. (2016). Low ethnic identity exploration undermines positive inter-ethnic relations: A study among Turkish immigrant-origin youth. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22(4), 495-503. Doi: 10.1037/cdp0000090.

Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Ethnic attitudes and social projection in the classroom. Child Development, 87(5),1452-1465.  DOI: 10.1111

Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2016). Promoting positive self-esteem in ethnic minority students: The role of school and classroom context. In Wigfield A. (Ed.), Handbook on positive development of minority children. New York: Springer.

Verkuyten, M. (2016). Further conceptualizing ethnic and racial identity research: The social identity approach and its dynamic model. Child Development, 87, 1796-1812. Doi: 10.1111/cdev125555.

Verkuyten, M. (2016). The integration paradox: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(5-6), 583–596. DOI: 10.1177/0002764216632838

Verkuyten, M., & Fleischmann, F. (2016). Ethnicity, religion and nationality: Group identifications among minority youth. In A. Rutland, D. Nesdale, & C. Spears Brown (Eds.), Handbook of group processes in children and adolescents. Oxford: Wiley.

Verkuyten, M., Hindriks, P., & Coenders, M. (2016). Majority members’ feelings about political representation of Muslim immigrants. Social Psychology, 47(5), 257-269. DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000279.

Verkuyten, M. & Martinovic, B. (2016). Dual identity, in-group projection, and out-group feelings among ethnic minority groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 1-12. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2131


Geerlings, J., Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2015) Changes in ethnic self-identification and heritage language preference in adolescence: A cross-lagged panel study. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34, 501-520.

Hindriks, P., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2015). The evaluation of immigrants’ political acculturation strategies. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 47, 131-142.

Hoekstra, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). To be a true Muslim: Online discussions on the headscarf among Moroccan-Dutch women. Gender, Place and Culture, 22, 1236-1251.

Janssens, H., Verkuyten, M., & Kahn, A. (2015). Perceived social structural relations and group stereotypes: A test of the Stereotype Content Model in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 52-61.

Kamberi, E., Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). Life satisfaction and happiness among the Roma in Central and Southeastern Europe. Social Indicators Research, 124, 199-220.

Munniksma, A., Verkuyten, M., Stark, T., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Friendships and outgroup attitudes among ethnic minority youth: The mediating role of ethnic and host society identification. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 44, 88-99.

Ng Tseung Wong, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). ‘I’d rather we be neighbours than lovers’: The two-sidedness of multiculturalism. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 18, 437-453.

Ng Tseung Wong, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). Multiculturalism Mauritian style: Cultural diversity, belonging and a secular state. American Behavioral Scientist, 59, 679-701.

Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten (2015). In-group bias in children’s intention to help can be overpowered by inducing empathy. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33. 45-56.

Smeekes, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2015). The presence of the past: Identity continuity and group dynamics. European Review of Social Psychology, 26, 162-202.

Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2015). Longing for the country’s good old days: National nostalgia, autochthony beliefs, and opposition to Muslim expressive rights. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54, 561-580.

Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2015). Behind the ethnic-civic distinction: Public attitudes towards immigrants’ political rights in the Netherlands. Social Science Research, 53, 43-44.

Verkuyten, M. & Martinovic, B. (2015). Majority member’s recognition and protest against discrimination of immigrants: The role of power threat, deprovincialization and common national identity. Social Justice Research, 28, 257-273.

Verkuyten, M., Sierksma, J., & Martinovic, B. (2015). First arrival and collective land ownership: How children reason about who owns the land. Social Development, 24, 868-882.

Verkuyten, M., Sierksma, J., & Thijs, J. (2015). First arrival and owning the land: How children reason about ownership of territory. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 41, 58-64.

Vroome, T. de & Verkuyten, M. (2015). Labour market participation and immigrants’ acculturation. In S. Otten, K. Van der Zee & M. Brewer (Eds). Towards inclusive organizations: Determinants of successful diversity management at work (pp. 12-28). Hove: Psychology Press.


Bekhuis, H., Lubbers, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Globalization and nationalist attitudes in 52 Countries, between 1981 and 2009. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 26, 487-500.

Celebi, E., Verkuyten, M., Köse, T., & Maliepaard, M. (2014). Out-group trust and conflict understandings: The perspective of Turks and Kurds in Turkey. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 40, 64-75.

Deaux, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). The social psychology of multiculturalism: Identity and intergroup relations. In V. Benet-Martínez & Y-Y. Hong (Eds.). The Oxford handbook of multicultural identity: Basic and applied psychological perspectives (pp. 118-138). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ellenbroek, M., Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Poppe, E. (2014). The fairness of national decision-making procedures: The views of adolescents in 18 European Countries. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 24, 503-517.

Gieling, M., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Dutch adolescents’ tolerance of Muslim immigrants: The role of assimilation ideology, intergroup contact and national identification. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44, 155-165.

Hindriks, P., Coenders, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Inter-minority attitudes: The role of ethnic and national identification, contact and multiculturalism. Social Psychology Quarterly,77, 54-74.

Hindriks, P., Verkuyten, M., Coenders, M. (2014). Dimensions of social dominance orientation: The roles of legitimizing myths and national identification. European Journal of Personality, 28, 538-549.

Maes, M., Stevens, G., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Perceived ethnic discrimination and problem behaviours in Muslim immigrant early adolescents: Moderating effects of ethnic, religious, and national group identification. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 34, 940-966.

Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). The political downside of dual identity: Group identifications and religious political mobilization of Muslim minorities. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53, 711-730.

Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., Verkuyten, M., & Komter, A. (2014). Children’s reasoning about the refusal to help: The role of need, costs and social perspective taking. Child Development,86, 1134-1149.

Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). With a little help from my friends: Bystander context and children’s attitude toward peer helping. Journal of Social Psychology, 154, 142-154.

Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Ethnic helping and group identity: A study among majority group children. Social Development, 4, 803-819.

Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Children’s intergroup helping: The role of empathy and peer group norms Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 126, 369-383.

Smeekes, A., Van Acker, K., Verkuyten, M., & Vanbeselaere, N. (2014). The legacy of nazism: Historical analogies and support for the far right. Social Influence, 9, 300-317.

Smeekes, A. & Verkuyten, M. (2014). When national culture is disrupted: Cultural continuity and resistance to Muslim immigrants. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17, 45-66.

Smeekes, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). Perceived group continuity, collective self-continuity and in-group identification. Self and Identity,13, 663-680.

Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). School ethnic diversity and students’ interethnic relations. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 1-21.

Verkuyten, M., Maliepaard, M., Martinovic, B., & Khoudja, Y. (2014). Political tolerance among Muslim minorities in Western Europe: The role of denomination and religious and host national identification. Politics and Religion, 7, 265-286.

Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2014). Minority identity and host national identification among immigrants. In C. K.W. DeDreu (Ed.), Social Conflict within and between Groups (pp. 55-74) London: Psychology Press.

Verkuyten, M., Martinovic, B., & Smeekes, A. (2014). The multicultural jigsaw puzzle: Category indispensability and the acceptance of immigrants’ cultural rights. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 1480-1493.

Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Sierksma, J. (2014). Majority children’s evaluation of acculturation preferences of immigrant and emigrant peers. Child Development,85,176-191.

Vroome, T., Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2014). The integration paradox: Level of education and immigrants’ attitudes towards natives and the host society. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20, 166-175.

Vroome, T., Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2014). Host national identification of immigrants in the Netherlands. International Migration Review, 48, 1-27.

Zhirkov, K., Verkuyten, M., & Weesie, J. (2014). Perceptions of World Politics and Support for Terrorism among Muslims: Evidence from Muslim Countries and Western Europe. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 31, 481-501.


Brambilla, M., Manzi, C., Regalia, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). Religiosity and prejudice: Different patterns for two types of religious internalization. Journal of Social Psychology,153,486-498.

Huijnk, W., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2013). Family relations and the attitude towards ethnic minorities as close kin by marriage. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36, 1890-1909.

Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). We were here first, so we determine the rules of the game’: Autochthony and prejudice toward outgroups. European Journal of Social Psychology,43, 637-647.

Munniksma, A., Stark, T., Verkuyten, M., Flache, A., & Veenstra, R. (2013). Extended intergroup friendships within social settings. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 16, 752-770.

Ng Tseung, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). Religious and national group identification in adolescence: A study among three religious groups in Mauritius. International Journal of Psychology, 48, 846-857.

Ng Tseung, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). Is cultural group representation a fair-option?: Adolescents’ evaluations of forms of decision-making in multicultural Mauritius. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,37, 727-738.

Smeekes, A. & Verkuyten, M. (2014).  Collective self-continuity, group identification and in-group defense. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 984-994.

Ten Teije, I., Coenders, M., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). The paradox of integration: Immigrants and their attitude towards the native population. Social Psychology, 44, 278-288.

Thijs, J. & Verkuyten, M. (2013). Multiculturalism in the Classroom:  Ethnic Attitudes and Classmates. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 176-187.

Verkuyten, M. (2013). Justifying discrimination of Muslim immigrants: Outgroup ideology and the five-step social identity model. British Journal of Social Psychology,52, 345-360.

Verkuyten, M. & Maliepaard, M. (2013). A further test of the party over policy effect: Political leadership and ethnic minority policies. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35, 241-248.

Verkuyten, M. & Thijs, J. (2013). Multicultural education and inter-ethnic attitudes: An intergroup perspective. European Psychologist, 18, 179-190

Yildiz, A.A., & Verkuyten, M. (2013). ‘We are not terrorists’: Turkish Muslim organizations and the construction of a moral identity. Ethnicities, 13, 359-381.


Briones, E., Verkuyten, M., Cosado, J., Tabernero, C. (2012). Psychological adaptation of Moroccan and Ecuadorean immigrant adolescents in Spain. International Journal of Psychology, 47, 28-38.

Gieling, M., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Dutch adolescents’ tolerance of practices by Muslim actors: The effect of issue framing. Youth and Society, 44, 348-365.

Huijnk, W., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2012). Family life and acculturation attitudes:A study among four immigrant groups in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38, 555-575.

Lie, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Identity practices, ingroup projection, and the evaluation of subgroups: A study among Turkish-Dutch Sunnis. Journal of Social Psychology, 152, 510-523.

Martinovic, B., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Host national and religious identification among Turkish Muslims in Western Europe: The role of ingroup norms, perceived discrimination and value incompatibility. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 893–903.

Munniksma, A., Flache, A., Verkuyten, M., & Veenstra, R. (2012). Parental acceptance of children’s intimate ethnic outgroup relations: The role of culture, status, and family reputation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 36, 575-585.

Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Understanding the relational self: An inter-generational study in the Netherlands and Greece. European Psychologist, 17, 182-189.

Rooyackers, I., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Mobilizing support for the extreme right: A discursive analysis of minority leadership. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 130-148

Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2012). How a tolerant past affects the present:Historical tolerance and the acceptance of Muslim expressive rights. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1410-1422.

Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Ethnic attitudes of minority students and their contact with majority group teachers. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 33, 260-268.

Verkuyten, M. (2012). Understanding ethnic minority identity. In A. Masten, D. Hernandez & K. Liebkind (Eds.), Realizing the potential of immigrant youth (pp. 230-252). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Verkuyten, M., & Khan, A. (2012). Interethnic relations in Malaysia: Group identifications, indispensability and inclusive nationhood. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15, 132-139.

Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2012). Immigrants’ national identification: Meanings, determinants and consequences. Social Issues and Policy Review, 6, 82-112.

Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2012). Social identity complexity and immigrants’ attitude towards the host nation: The intersection of ethnic and religious group identification. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38, 1165-1177.

Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2012). Political tolerance for Muslim practices: An intergroup perspective. In M. Helbling (Ed.), Islamophobia in the West: Measuring and explaining individual attitudes. London: Routledge.

Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Stevens, G. (2012). Multiple identities and religious transmission:A study among Moroccan-Dutch Muslim adolescents and their parents. Child Development,83, 1471-1476.

Yildiz, A.A. & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Conceptualizing Euro-Islam: Managing the societal demand for religious reform. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 19, 360-376.


Fleischmann. F., Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2011). Ethnic and republic identification in the Russian Federation and Ukraine: A social dominance perspective. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37, 23-41.

Gieling, M., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). Voluntary and involuntary immigrants and adolescents’ endorsement of cultural maintenance. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35, 259-267.

Guan, Y., Verkuyten, M., Fung, H. H., Bond, M. H., Chan, C. C., & Chen, S. X. (2011). Outgroup value incongruence and intergroup attitude: The roles of multiculturalism and common identity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35, 377-385.

Martinovic, B., Verkuyten, M., & Weesie, J. (2011). Group identity, ethnic separatism, and multiple out-groups: The Basque case. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 21, 28-40.

Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). Self-evaluations, psychological well-being, and cultural context: The changing Greek society. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, 875-890.

Smeekes, A., Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2011). Mobilising opposition towards Muslim immigrants: National identification and the representation of national history. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 265-280.

Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). In-group bias in the classroom: The role of co-ethnic and other-ethnic peers and multiculturalism. Anales de Psicologia, 27, 662-669.

Verkuyten, M. (2011). Assimilation ideology and outgroup attitudes among ethnic majority members. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14, 789-806.

Verkuyten, M. (2011). Ethnic discrimination and ethnic minority identity: A social psychological perspective. In S. Bonjour, A. Rea & D. Jacobs (Eds). The others in Europe (pp.127-136). Brussels: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles

Verkuyten, M., Weesie, J., & Eijberts, M. (2011). The evaluation of perpetrators and victims of peer victimization: An extended crossed categorization approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 324-334.

Vroome, T. de, Coenders, M., Van Tubergen, F., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). Economic Participation and National Self-Identification of Refugees in the Netherlands. International Migration Review,45,615-638.

Yildiz, A.A., & Verkuyten, M. (2012). Inclusive victimhood: Social identity and the politicization of collective trauma among Turkey’s Alevis in Western Europe. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology,17, 243-269.

Zilli Ramirez, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2011). Values, media framing and political tolerance for extremist groups. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 1583-1602.


Belangér, E., & Verkuyten, M. (2010). Hyphenated identities and acculturation: Second generation Chinese of Canada and the Netherlands. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 10, 141-163.

Gieling, M., Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2010). Tolerance of practices by Muslim actors: An integrative social-developmental perspective. Child Development, 81, 1384-1399.

Huijnk, W., Verkuyten, M., & Coenders, M. (2010). Intermarriage attitude among ethnic minority and majority groups in the Netherlands: The role of family relations and immigrant characteristics. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 41, 389-414.

Ng Tseung-Wong, C., & Verkuyten, M. (2010). Intergroup evaluations, Group indispensability and prototypical judgments: A study in Mauritius. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 13, 621-638.

Phalet, K., Güngor, G., & Verkuyten, M. (2010). Political mobilization of Dutch Muslims: Religious identity salience, goal framing and normative constraints. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 759-779.

Thijs, J., Verkuyten, M., & Helmond, P. (2010). A further examination of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond effect: Perceived position in class, class size, and gender comparisons. Sociology of Education, 83, 333-345.

Van der Noll, J., Verkuyten, M., & Poppe, E. (2010). Political tolerance and prejudice: Differential reactions toward Muslims in the Netherlands. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32, 46-56.

Verkuyten M. (2010). Religious identity and socio-political participation: Muslim minorities in Western Europe. In A. Azzi, X. Chryssochoou, B. Klandermans, & B. Simon (Eds.), Identity and participation in culturally diverse societies. Oxford: Blackwell.

Verkuyten, M. (2010). Multiculturalism and tolerance: An intergroup perspective. In R. Crisps (Ed.), The psychology of social and cultural diversity. Oxford: Blackwell.

Verkuyten, M. (2010). Assimilation ideology and situational well-being among ethnic minority members. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 269-275.

Verkuyten, M. (2010). Ethnic communication and identity performance. In H. Giles, S. Reid & J. Harwood (Eds.), The dynamics of intergroup communication. New York: Peter Lang.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2010). Ethnic minority labeling, multiculturalism and the attitude of majority group members. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 29, 467-477. (Paper received ‘honorable mention’ (‘second place’) in the Third Biannual JLSP Top Paper Award).

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2010). Religious group relations among Christian, Muslim and non-religious early adolescents in the Netherlands. Journal of Early Adolescence, 30, 27-49.

Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Bekhuis, H. (2010). Intergroup contact and ingroup reappraisal: Examining the deprovincialization thesis. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73, 398-416.

Verkuyten, M., & Yildiz, A.A. (2010). Orthodoxie en integratie van Turks Nederlandse Moslims. Mens en Maatschappij, 85, 5-26.

Verkuyten, M., & Yildiz, A.A. (2010). Religious identity consolidation and mobilisation among Turkish Dutch Muslims. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 436-447.


Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2009). Students’ anticipated situational engagement: The roles of teacher behaviour, personal engagement, and gender. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 170, 268-286.

Verkuyten, M. (2009). Support for multiculturalism and minority rights: The role of national identification and out-group threat. Social Justice Research, 22, 31-52.

Verkuyten, M. (2009). Self-esteem and multiculturalism: An examination among ethnic minority and majority groups in the Netherlands. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 419-427.

Verkuyten, M., & Yildiz, A.A. (2009). Muslim immigrants and religious group feelings:A study among Sunni and Alevi Turkish-Dutch. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32, 1121-1142.

Wandert, T., Ochsmann, R., Brug, P., Chybicka, A., Lacassagne, M-F., & Verkuyten, M. (2009). Black German identities: Validating the multidimensional inventory of Black Identity. Journal of Black Psychology, 35, 456-484.


Coenders, M., Lubbers, M., Scheepers, P., & Verkuyten, M. (2008). More than two decades of changing ethnic attitudes in the Netherlands. Journal of Social Issues, 64, 269-285.

Kuroiwa, Y., & Verkuyten, M. (2008). Narratives and the constitution of a common identity: the Karen in Burma. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 15, 391-412.

Thijs, J., & Verkuyten, M. (2008). Peer Victimization and academic achievement in a multiethnic sample: The role of perceived academic self-efficacy. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, 754-764.

Velasco González, K., Verkuyten, M., Weesie, J., & Poppe, E. (2008). Prejudice towards Muslims in the Netherlands: Testing Integrated Threat Theory. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 667-685.

Verkuyten, M. (2008). Life satisfaction among ethnic minorities: The role of discrimination and group identification. Social Indicators Research, 89, 391-404.

Verkuyten, M. (2008). Multiculturalism and group evaluations among minority and majority groups. In S. R. Levy & M. Killen (Eds.), Intergroup attitudes and relations in childhood through adulthood. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Verkuyten, M. (2008). Peer discrimination, ethnic minority identity and self-esteem. In Quintana, S.M., & McKown, C. (Eds.), The handbook of race, racism, and the developing child. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Verkuyten, M., & Reijerse, A. (2008). Intergroup structure and identity management among ethnic minority and majority groups: The interactive effects of perceived stability, legitimacy, and permeability. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 106-127.

Verkuyten, M., & Slooter, L. (2008). Muslim and non-Muslim adolescents’ reasoning about freedom of speech and minority rights. Child Development, 79, 514-528. (also included in Killen, M. & Copland, R.J. (Eds.)(2011). Social development in childhood and adolescence: A contemporary reader. Wiley-Blackwell).


Brug, P., & Verkuyten, M. (2007). Dealing with cultural diversity: The endorsement of societal models among ethnic minority and majority youth in the Netherlands. Youth and Society, 39, 112-131.

Pouliasi, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2007). Networks of meaning and the bicultural mind: A structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 955-963.

Verkuyten, M. (2007). What do people think about ethnic minorities?: A reality check for survey research. In Poppe, E., & Verkuyten, M. (Eds.)(2007). Culture and conflict: Liber Amicorum for Louk Hagendoorn. Amsterdam: Aksant.

Verkuyten, M. (2007). Social psychology and multiculturalism. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1, 280-29.

Verkuyten, M. (2007). Ethnic in-group favoritism among minority and majority groups: Testing the self-esteem hypothesis among preadolescents. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37, 486-500.

Verkuyten, M. (2007). Religious group identification and inter-religious relations: A study among Turkish-Dutch Muslims. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 10, 341-357.

Verkuyten, M., & De Wolf, A. (2007). The development of in-group favoritism: Between social reality and group identity. Developmental Psychology, 43, 901-911.

Verkuyten, M., & Slooter, L. (2007). Tolerance of Muslim beliefs and practices: Age related differences and context effects. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31, 467-477.

Verkuyten, M., & Yildiz, A.A. (2007). National (dis)identification, and ethnic and religious identity: A study among Turkish-Dutch Muslims. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1448-1462.


Cieslik, A., & Verkuyten, M. (2006). National, ethnic and religious identities: Hybridity and the case  of the Polish Tatars. National Identities, 8, 77-93.

Verkuyten, M. (2006). Multicultural recognition and ethnic minority rights: A social identity perspective. In W. Stroebe & M. Hewstone (Eds.), European Review of Social Psychology (vol.17,  pp. 148-184). London: Wiley.

Verkuyten, M. (2006). Ethnic peer victimization and psychological well-being among early adolescents. In X. Chen, D. French, & B. Schneider (Eds.), Peer relations in cultural context (pp.339-363). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Verkuyten, M. (2006). Groepsidentificaties en intergroep relaties onder Turkse Nederlanders. Mens en Maatschappij, 81, 64-84.

Verkuyten, M., & Martinovic, B. (2006). Understanding multicultural attitudes: The role of group status, identification, friendships, and justifying ideologies. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 30, 1-18.

Verkuyten, M., & Pouliasi, K. (2006). Biculturalism and group identification: The mediating role of identification in cultural frame-switching. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37, 312-326.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2006). Ethnic Discrimination and global self-worth in early adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30, 107-116.

Verkuyten, M., & A.A. Yildiz (2006). The endorsement of minority rights: The role of group position, national context, and ideological beliefs. Political Psychology, 27, 527-548.


Verkuyten, M. (2005). The puzzle of high self-esteem among ethnic minorities: Comparing explicit and implicit self-esteem. Self and Identity, 4, 171-192.

Verkuyten, M. (2005). Immigration discourses and their impact on multiculturalism: A discursive and experimental study. British Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 223-241.

Verkuyten, M. (2005). Accounting for ethnic discrimination: A discursive study among minority and majority group members. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 24, 66-92.

Verkuyten, M. (2005). Ethnic group identification, and group evaluations among minority and majority groups: Testing the multiculturalism hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 121-138.

Verkuyten, M., & Steenhuis, A. (2005). Preadolescents’ understanding and reasoning about asylum seeker peers and friendships. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 26, 660-679.

Verkuyten, M., & Zaremba, K. (2005). Inter-ethnic relations in a changing political context. Social Psychology Quarterly, 68, 375-386.


Verkuyten, M. (2004).  Emotional reactions to and support for immigrant policies: Attributed responsibilities to categories of asylum seekers, Social Justice Research, 17, 293-314.

Verkuyten, M. (2004). Everyday ways of thinking about multiculturalism. Ethnicities, 4, 53-74.

Verkuyten, M. (2004). Ethnic minority identity and social context. In M. Bennett & F. Sani (Eds.), The Development of the Social Self. London: Psychology Press (pp. 189-216).

Verkuyten, M., & Brug, P. (2004). Multiculturalism and ethnic group status: The role of ethnic identification, group essentialism and protestant ethic. European Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 647-661.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2004). Psychological disengagement from the academic domain among ethnic minority adolescents in the Netherlands. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74, 109-125.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2004). Global and ethnic self-esteem in school context: Minority and majority groups in the Netherlands. Social Indicators Research, 67, 253-281.


Verkuyten, M. (2003). Racism, happiness and ideology. In H. van den Berg, H. Houtekoop-Steenstra & M. Wetherell (Eds.), Analyzing interviews on racial issues: Multidisciplinary approaches to interview discourse (pp. 138-155). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Verkuyten, M. (2003). Ethnic in-group bias among minority and majority early adolescents: The perception of negative peer behaviour. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 21, 543-565.

Verkuyten, M. (2003). Discourses about ethnic group (de-)essentialism: oppressive and progressive aspects. British Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 371-391.

Verkuyten, M. (2003). Positive and negative self-esteem among ethnic minority early adolescents: Social  and cultural sources and threats. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 32, 267-277.

Verkuyten, M., & Brug, P. (2003). Educational performance and psychological disengagement among ethnic minority and Dutch adolescents. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 164, 189-200.

Verkuyten, M., & Canatan, K. (2003). Normative orientation and educational outcomes in a school context. In Hagendoorn, L., Veenman, J. & Vollebergh, W. (Eds.) Cultural Orientation and Socio-Economic Integration of Immigrants in the Netherlands. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.


Verkuyten, M. (2002). Perceptions of ethnic discrimination by minority and majority early adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Psychology, 37, 321-332.

Verkuyten, M. (2002). Ethnic attitudes among minority and majority children: The role of ethnic identification, peer group victimization and parents. Social Development, 11, 558-570.

Verkuyten, M. (2002). Making teachers accountable for students’ disruptive classroom behaviour. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 23, 107-122.

Verkuyten, M. (2002). Ethnic relations in local contexts: Beyond a dualist approach to identities and racism. In The Evens Foundation (Ed.), Europe’s new racism?: Causes, manifestations and solutions (pp. 131-142). Oxford: Berghahn.

Verkuyten, M., & Brug, P. (2002). Ethnic identity achievement, self-esteem and discrimination among Surinamese adolescents in the Netherlands. Journal of Black Psychology, 28, 122-141.

Verkuyten, M., & Hagendoorn, L. (2002). Ingroup favouritism and self-esteem: The role of identity level  and trait valence. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 5, 285-298.

Verkuyten, M., & Pouliasi, K. (2002). Biculturalism among older children: Cultural frame switching, attributions, self-identification and attitudes. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 33, 596-608.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2002). Racist victimization among children in the Netherlands: The effect of ethnic group and school. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 25, 310-331.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2002). Multiculturalism among minority and majority adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 26, 91-108.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2002). School satisfaction of elementary school children: The role of performance, peer relations, ethnicity and gender. Social Indicators Research, 59, 203-228.

Verkuyten, M., & de Wolf, A. (2002). Ethnic minority identity and group context: Self-descriptions, acculturation attitudes and group evaluations in an intra- and intergroup situation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 32, 781-800.

Verkuyten, M. & de Wolf, A. (2002). ‘Being, feeling and doing’: Discourses and ethnic self-definitions among minority group members. Culture and Psychology, 8, 371-399.


Phalet, K., & Verkuyten, M. (2001). Acculturatiemetingen. In N. Bleichrodt & F. van de Vijver (Red.), Diagnostiek bij allochtonen: Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van psychologische tests (pp. 177-198). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Verkuyten, M. (2001). Ethnic minority identification. In K. Phalet, & A. Orkeny (Eds.), Ethnic minorities and interethnic relations in context: A Dutch-Hungarian encounter (pp. 97-112). Aldershot: Ashgate.

Verkuyten, M. (2001). National identification and intergroup evaluation in Dutch children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19, 559-571.

Verkuyten, M. (2001). Abnormalization of ethnic minorities in conversation. British Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 257-278.

Verkuyten, M. (2001). Global self-esteem, ethnic self-esteem and family integrity: Turkish and Dutch early adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 25, 357-366.

Verkuyten, M., & Brug, P. (2001). Self-esteem and ethnic and national identification among adolescents in the Netherlands. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 9, 321-343.

Verkuyten, M., & Nekuee. S. (2001). Self-esteem, discrimination and coping among refugees: The moderating role of self-categorization. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 1058-1075.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2001). Peer victimization and self-esteem of ethnic minority group children. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 11, 227-234.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (2001). Ethnic and gender bias among Dutch and Turkish children in late childhood: The role of social context. Infant and Child Development, 10, 203-217.

Verkuyten, M., Thijs, J., & Canatan, K. (2001). Achievement motivation and academic performance among ethnic minority early and young adolescents. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 127, 378-408.


Verkuyten, M. (2000). The benefits to social psychology of studying ethnic minorities. European Bulletin of Social Psychology, 42, 5-21

Verkuyten, M. (2000). School marks and teachers’ accountability to colleagues. Discourse Studies, 2, 452-472.

Verkuyten, M., & Kinket, B. (2000). Social distances in a multi-ethnic society: The ethnic hierarchy among Dutch pre-adolescents. Social Psychology Quarterly, 63, 75-85.

Verkuyten, M., & Ter Wal, J. (2000). Racism in comparative perspective. In J. Ter Wal & M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Comparative Perspectives on Racism. Aldershot: Ashgate.


Kinket, B., & Verkuyten, M. (1999). Intergroup evaluations and social context: A multilevel approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 219-238.

Lay, C., & Verkuyten, M. (1999). Ethnic identity and its relation to personal self-esteem: A comparison of Canadian-born and Foreign-born Chinese adolescents: Personal self-esteem, collective self-esteem, and identity. Journal of Social Psychology, 139, 288-199.

Nekuee, S., & Verkuyten, M. (1999). Emotionele distantie en integratie: Iraanse politieke vluchtelingen in Nederland. Mens en Maatschappij, 74, 218-234.

Verkuyten, M. (1999). De psychologische betekenis van discriminatie. De Psycholoog, 34, 272-277

Verkuyten, M., van Calseijde, S., & de Leur. W. (1999). Third-generation South Moluccans in the Netherlands: The nature of ethnic identity. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 25, 63-79.

Verkuyten, M., Drabbels, M., & Van den Nieuwenhuijzen, K. (1999). Self-categorisation and emotional reactions to ethnic minorities. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 605-619.

Verkuyten, M., & Kinket, B. (1999). The relative importance of ethnicity: Ethnic categorization among older children. International Journal of Psychology, 34, 107-118.

Verkuyten, M., & Nekuee, S. (1999). Subjective well-being, discrimination and cultural conflict: Iranians living in the Netherlands. Social Indicators Research, 47, 281-306..

Verkuyten, M., & Nekuee, S. (1999). Ingroup bias: The effect of self-stereotyping, identification and group threat. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 411-418.

Verkuyten, M., & Thijs, J. (1999). Nederlandse en Turkse jongeren over multiculturalisme: Cultuurbe­houd, aanpassing, identificatie en groepsdiscriminatie. Sociologische Gids, 46, 407-425.


Verkuyten, M. (1998). Self-categorisation and the explanation of ethnic discrimination. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 8, 395-407.

Verkuyten, M. (1998). Personhood and accounting for racism in conversation. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 28, 147-167.

Verkuyten, M. (1998). Attitudes in public discourse: Speakers’ own orientations. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 17, 302-322.

Verkuyten, M. (1998). Perceived discrimination and self-esteem among ethnic minority adoles­cents. Journal of Social Psychology, 138, 479-493.

Verkuyten, M., & Hagendoorn, L. (1998). Prejudice and self-categorisation: The variable role of authoritarianism and in-group stereotypes, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 99-110.

Verkuyten, M., & Lay, C. (1998). Ethnic minority identity and psychological well-being: The mediating role of collective self-esteem, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28, 1969-1986.

Webley, P., Verkuyten, M., Hessing, D., & Elffers, H. (1998). Studies of minimal rule following behaviour: Signs in public places. Psychology, Crime and Law, 4, 309-321.


Kinket, B., & Verkuyten, M. (1997). Levels of ethnic self-identification and social context. Social Psychology Quarterly, 60, 338-354.

Verkuyten, M. (1997). Discourses of ethnic minority identity. British Journal of Social Psychology, 36, 565-586.

Verkuyten, M. (1997). Cultural discourses in the Netherlands: Talking about ethnic minorities in the inner-city. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 4, 99-132.

Verkuyten, M. (1997). The structure of ethnic attitudes: The effect of target group, region, gender and national identity. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 123, 261-284.

Verkuyten, M. (1997). Intergroup evaluation and self-esteem motivations: self-enhancement and self-protection. European Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 115-119.

Verkuyten, M., B. Kinket & C. van der Wielen (1997). Preadolescents’ understanding of ethnic discrimina­tion. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 158, 97-112.


Jong, W. de & M. Verkuyten (1996). Urban renewal, housing policy, and ethnic relations in Rotterdam. New Community, 22, 689-705.

Verkuyten, M. (1996). Self-esteem and prejudice among ethnic majority and minority youth. Journal of Research in Personality, 30, 248-263.

Verkuyten, M. (1996). ‘Twelve angry men’: accounting for Britain’s minority position during the EU summit in Maastricht. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 15, 444-467.

Verkuyten, M., L. Hagendoorn & K. Masson (1996). The ethnic hierarchy among minority and majority youth in the Netherlands. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 1104-1118.

Verkuyten, M., B. Kinket & C. van der Wielen (1996). Oudere kinderen en hun begrip van discrimina­tie. Pedagogische Studiën, 73, 447-458.

Verkuyten, M. & G.A. Kwa (1996). Ethnic self-identification, ethnic involvement, and group differentiati­on among Chinese youth in the Netherlands, Journal of Social Psychology, 136, 35-48.

Verkuyten, M. & K. Masson (1996). Culture and gender differences in the perception of friends­hip. International Journal of Psychology, 31, 207-217.


Benda-Beckman, K. & Verkuyten, M. (1995). Cultural identity and development in Europe. In Benda-Beckman, K. & M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Nationalism, Ethnicity and cultural identity in Europe. Utrecht: Ercomer.

Verkuyten, M. (1995). Symbols and social representations, The Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 25, 263-284.

Verkuyten, M. (1995). Self-esteem, self-concept stability and aspects of ethnic identity among minority and majority youth in the Netherlands, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 24, 155-175.

Verkuyten, M. (1995). Alledaagse betekenissen van ‘racisme’ en ‘discriminatie’, Migrantenstudies, 11, 181-202.

Verkuyten, M. & Y. Bandstra (1995). Aspecten en achtergronden van etnische attituden. Gedrag en Organisatie, 8, 292-306.

Verkuyten, M., W. de Jong & K. Masson (1995). The construction of ethnic categories: discourses of ethnicity in the Netherlands, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 18, 251-276.

Verkuyten, M. & K. Masson (1995). ‘New racism’, self-esteem and ethnic relati­ons among minority and majority youth in the Netherlands, Social Behavior and Personality, 23, 137-154.

Verkuyten, M., K. Masson & H. Elffers (1995). Racial categorization and preference among older children in the Netherlands, European Journal of Social Psychology, 25, 637-656.


Jong, W. de & M. Verkuyten (1994). Racisme van ‘De Geijkte Spangenaar’, Psychologie en Maat­schappij, 18, 303-314.

Verkuyten, M. (1994). Self-esteem among ethnic minority youth in Western countries, Social Indicators Research, 32, 21-47.

Verkuyten, M. (1994). Interdisciplinariteit als antwoord op de ingewikkeldheid van maatschappelijke problemen. In: L. Hagendoorn, A. Kompter, & R. Maier (Red.), Samenhang der Sociale Wetenschap­pen. Loghum Slaterus.

Verkuyten, M., W. de Jong & C.N. Masson (1994). Racial discourse, attitude, and rhetorical manoeuvres: race talk in the Netherlands. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 13, 278-298.

Verkuyten, M., W. de Jong & C.N. Masson (1994). Similarities in antiracist and racist discourse: Dutch local residents talking about ethnic minorities, New Community, 20, 253-267.

Verkuyten, M. & G.A. Kwa (1994). Ethnic self-identification and psychological well-being among minority youth in the Netherlands, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 5, 19-34.

Verkuyten, M. & C.N. Masson (1994). Ethnic categorization among children in multi-ethnic schools in the Netherlands, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 4, 167-179.

Verkuyten, M., E. Rood-Pijpers, H. Elffers & D.J. Hessing (1994). Rules for breaking formal rules: Social representations and everyday rule-governed behavior, Journal of Psychology, 128, 485-497.


Masson, C.N. & M. Verkuyten (1993). Prejudice, ethnic identity, contact and ethnic group preferen­ces among Dutch young adolescents, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23 (2), 156-168.

Verkuyten, M. (1993). Self-esteem among ethnic minorities and three princi­ples of self-esteem formation: Turkish children in the Netherlands, Interna­tional Journal of Psychology, 28, 307-322.

Verkuyten, M., de Jong, W. & Masson, C.N. (1993). Job satisfaction among ethnic minorities in the Nether­lands, Applied Psychology, 42, 171-189.

Verkuyten, M., De Jong, W. & Masson, C.N. (1993). Gedeelde waarden in racis­tisch en anti-racistisch discours: Nederlandse buurtbewoners over etnische minderheden, Sociologische Gids, 40, 386-407.

Verkuyten, M., W. de Jong & C.N. Masson (1993). Opvattingen over etnische minderhe­den: etnocen­trisme en discours-analyse, Mens en Maatschappij, 68, 19-38.

Verkuyten, M. & C.N. Masson (1993) Etnisch categoriseren door kinderen op multi-etnische scholen: het relatieve belang van etnische achtergrond, Psychologie en Maatschappij, 63, 147-161.


Jong, W. de & Verkuyten, M. (1992). Positive action policy for ethnic minorities in the Netherlands, New Community, 18, 591-602.

Masson, C.N. & Verkuyten, M. (1992). Etnische groepsvoorkeuren onder Neder­landse jongeren: het belang van vooroordeel, etnische identiteit, mate van contact en schoolkenmer­ken, Pedago­gisch Tijdschrift, 17, 42-53.

Verkuyten, M. (1992). Social symboliek en mobilisering: sociale symbolen als onderbelicht onder­werp van studie, Sociologische Gids, 39, 202-218.

Verkuyten, M. (1992). Ethnic group preferences and the evaluation of ethnic identity among adoles­cents, Journal of Social Psychology, 132, 741-750.


Jong, W. de & Verkuyten, M. (1991). Psycho-sociale factoren en het Nederlands leren van Turkse leerlingen, Pedagogische Studiën, 68, 253-264.

Verkuyten, M. (1991). Self-concept in cross-cultural perspective: Turkish and Dutch adoles­cents in the Netherlands. In: N. Bleichrodt & P.J.D. Drenth (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Verkuyten, M. (1991). Self-definition and ingroup formation among ethnic minorities in the Nether­lands, Social Psychology Quarterly, 54, 280-286.

Verkuyten, M., & de Jong, W. (1991). Positieve actie voor etnische minderhe­den: een analyse aan de hand van normen, waarden- en belangenaspecten, Mens & Onderneming, 45, 119-138.


Jong, W. de & Verkuyten, M. (1990). Hoe, wat en waarom Positieve Actie: De gemeente Rotterdam als `case study’, Migrantenstudies, 6, 2-15.

Verkuyten, M. (1990). Jongeren uit etnische minderheden en hun zelfwaarde­ring, Kind & Adoles­cent, 11, 57-70.

Verkuyten, M. (1990). Self-esteem and the evaluation of ethnic identity among Turkish and Dutch adolescents in the Netherlands, Journal of Social Psycho­logy, 130, 285-297.

Verkuyten, M., & de Jong, W. (1990). Culturele oriëntatie en zelfwaardering van Turkse kinderen. In M. Du Bois-Reymond en L. van den Berg-Eldering (red.), Nieuwe oriëntaties op school en beroep: de rol van sexe en etniciteit. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Verkuyten, M., de Jong, W. & Masson, C.N. (1990). Arbeidstevredenheid van etnische minderheden: een studie onder Rotterdamse ambtenaren, Gedrag en Organisatie, 3, 500-516.

Verkuyten, M., Masson, C.N. & de Jong, W. (1990). Nederlandse versie van Rundquist & Sletto’s attitude-schaal ten aanzien van het recht, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 45, 134-137.

Verkuyten, M., Masson, C.N. & de Jong, W. (1990). Nederlanders over `positieve actie’: oordelen over maatregelen ten behoeve van etnische minderheden, Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift, 17, 119-132.


Jong, W. de, Masson, C.N. & Verkuyten, M. (1989). Waarom wel of geen positieve actie: de houding van de Nederlandse bevolking, Sociologische Gids, 36, 398-412.

Jong, W. de & Verkuyten, M. (1989). Culturele oriëntatie en leerprestaties Nederlandse taal van Turkse kinderen, Pedagogische Studiën, 66, 296-306.

Veenhoven, R. & Verkuyten, M. (1989). The well-being of only children, Ado­les­cence, (spring), 155-166.

Verkuyten, M. (1989). Happiness among adolescents in the Netherlands: ethnic and sex differen­ces, Psychological Reports, 65, 577-578.

Verkuyten, M. (1989). Self-esteem among Dutch and Turkish children in the Nether­lands, Journal of Social Psychology, 129, 269-271.

Verkuyten, M. & Veenhoven, R. (1989). Psychische kosten van werkloosheid: Zelfwaarde­ring en geluk bij adolescenten waarvan de vader werkloos is, Gezin, 1, 85-94.


Verkuyten, M. (1988). Inter-etnische oordelen en relaties onder middelbare scho­lieren, Migranten­studies, 4, 2-15.

Verkuyten, M. (1988). General self-esteem of adolescents from ethnic mino­rities in the Nether­lands and the reflected appraisal pro­cess, Ado­lescence, (winter), 863-871.

Verkuyten, M. & Veenhoven, R. (1988). Welbevinden van kinderen na echt­scheiding: een onderzoek onder adolescenten, Tijdschrift voor So­ciale Gezond­heids­zorg, 66, 113-118.


Verkuyten, M. & de Jong W. (1987). Zelfwaardering en onderwijsleerpres­ta­ties van Turkse kinde­ren, Pedagogische Studiën, 64, 498-507.

Verkuyten, M. (1987). Etnische identiteit en identificatie bij alloch­tone adolescen­ten, Kind en Adolescent, 8, 83-86.


Verkuyten, M. (1986). Opgroeien in den vreemde: Hebben allochtone jonge­ren minder plezier in het leven?, Gezondheid en Samenleving, 7, 20-26.

Verkuyten, M. (1986). The impact of ethnic and sex differences on h­appi­ness among adoles­cents in the Netherlands, Journal of Social Psychology, 126, 259-260.

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